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Welcome to Brewarrina Local Aboriginal Land Council

In pursuit of social justice, the council aims to support the local Aboriginal community as it seeks:
  • The right to a distinct status & culture,
  • The right to self determination, and
  • The right to land.
Brewarrina Fish Traps
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The Brewarrina Aboriginal fish traps is evidence of the sohpisticated Aboriginal understanding of engineering, physics, the land and its natural resources.  The Ngemba people are identified as the original custodians and the traps are argued to be the oldest surviving human structure in the world .  The Ngemba people shared the traps with other tribes  including the Muruwari, Baakandji, Weilwan, Barabinja, Ualarai and Kamilaroi.   Particular traps were assigned to each family group and maintained under Aboriginal law.  Neighbouring tribes were invited to the fish traps to join corroborees, initiation ceremonies, and meetings for trade and barter.


Community Development

Brewarrina has been subject to 2 Royal Commissions, 2 Public Enquiries, 2 Ombudsmans Reports, 2 Census periods as NSW"s most disadvantaged and dominant figure in dropping of the edge data.  Our small team is working hard to turn things around. 

Brewarrina Mission
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The Brewarrina Mission is the oldest institutional type facility in the state established by the Aboriginal Protection Board in 1886.  The mission is associated with the 'Stolen Generation' and the removal of Aboriginal people from their homes during the 1930's.  The girls dormitory was also significant because it was utilised by the Aboriginal Protection Board to house young girls who were forcibly removed from their families to be educated in domestic work then sent out in NSW to work.  With no buildings remaining the area mantains a strong cultural connection with the original cemetry being maintained by the community.

Business Development

Identified as one NSW"s most disadvantaged communities for well over a decade, Bre LALC aims to promote community building activities and work with key stakeholders who have a mission to support the states most disadvantaged.  

Land Rights
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A non-statutory NSW Aboriginal Land Council was established in 1977 as a specialist Aboriginal lobby on land rights.  It called for the full scale recognition of Aboriginal rights to land, resolved to form the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.  The Council campaigned as a voluntary group for land rights until the passage of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act (NSW) in 1983.  Assisted by the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, the team at Brewarrina continue to work towards local land rights as we address the nations oldest outstanding land claim, a claim that has been outstanding since 1984.

Community Contacts
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If you are looking for contacts in and around Brewarrina, the following link will provide a list of all major service providers and contacts within the area.  Simply click the link below to view.


Brewarrina Council Directory

About Us
LALC Membership
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To be accepted as a member of Brewarrina LALC you must meet the following criteria.

(1) you identify as a person of Aboriginal descent. (2) you present documentation identifying your family's Aboriginal descent (3) be accepted by LALC members as a person of Aboriginal descent.  To apply CLICK HERE to download a member application form and send it to or mail it to us direct.  Please attach any documents you would like considered with your application.  It will be assessed at the next members meeting.  See below for our next meeting date.​  If you have any questions about this process simply call our office on mobile 0438286477. 

Community Projects

One of the many services Brewarrina LALC offers is community consultation or project management.  We are currently key consultants on the Local Emergency Management Committee addressing pandemic concerns, we hosted Census 2021, we are conducting weed eradication and silt removal at Brewarrina Fish Traps, and we are also overseeing the Brewarrina Mission Restoration Project.  Our community seek inclusion in the works and projects that relate to them and have elected our board as their chosen representatives.  Our chairperson is pictured above, with the REDI.E team, preparing fresh water deliveries for our community during the drought.

Confirmation of Aboriginality

To apply for a 'Confirmation of Aboriginality complete a membership application (CLICK HERE) and send it to (write confimation only if you don't want to become a member).  It is important to understand that we must follow policy which states that applicants must be accepted by our members as a person of aboriginal descent.  This can be difficult if the members don't actually know you.  When we read out your name at the meeting, if you don't think our members will recognise you, please add supporting information to verify your connection to the Brewarrina community.  If you have any questions about this process simply call us on mobile 0438286477.

Mens & Womens Groups

'Yadhamayi' is Ngemba for 'Good Man'.  This service commenced as a volunteer project run by concerned men within community.  The program has become an extremely valuable community asset.  The group addresses issues such as drugs, alcohol, mental health, depression and domestic violence.  The LALC has also employed a womens group co-ordinator who will help promote womens group activities in Brewarrina.  We are working with the IBA in the hope of creating a friendly and productive space for both groups.  Stay tuned for more information.

First Nations Leadership
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The Brewarrina First Nations Leadership Group has been established to represent all communities and tribal groups in our region.  The LALC board of directors have become the foundation of the group ensuring we have strong governance and transparency in place.  Additional representatives from the various community groups and tribal nations have strengthened our communities voice ensuring future development is done with all of our communities interest at heart.  Stay tuned for more information as our leadership group enters into discussions with leading philanthropy organisations and community focused service providers.  

Housing in Brewarrina

Brewarrina LALC has over 60 properties around Bre which are currently managed by Mid Lachlan and the Aboriginal Housing Office.  We are in discussions to become involved in the management of these properties.  December 2022 has been established as a potential handover date.  Stay tuned whilst we conduct these negotiations to ensure we get the best outcomes for community.  Currently, if you have an enquiry about Aboriginal housing in Brewarrina, please contact Mid Lachlan on 1800 231 160.  If however, you wish to go on the waiting list for one of these properties please see us at the LALC.  


Mid Lachlan:

Next Meeting
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The Brewarrina LALC AGM will be held at 5.30pm on Wednesday the 23 May 2024 at the LALC office, 105 Bathurst Street, Brewarrina.  We will have food on and a lucky draw meet tray.  If you have any enquiries or are requesting a confirmation of Aboriginality, please email us, or call us on 02 6839 2273, or alternatively you can visit us in person at 105 Bathurst St Brewarrina.  

Yetta Land Acquisiton

Bre LALC Chairperson is excited to announce our acquisition of land at the Yetta site.  This is an exciting step for our little LALC.  This sets the foundations for our first commercial land management business.  Read more in the news 'HERE' or see NSWALC's great video of the speeches and drone footage about the transition "CLICK HERE'.  Stay tuned, we are also in the late stages of land claim 1043.

Beating Covid

Brewarrina's covid response recieved wide acclaim as our community came together to fight covid.  CLICK HERE to see our write up on NITV.  CLICK HERE to see our health write up.  CLICK HERE to see our ABC write up.  And CLICK HERE to see Burra starring on national television.  Well done Brewarrina, your community spirit is inspiring.  

Tomorrows CEO's
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Brewarrina LALC, in conjunction with DCJ, has launched a school leaver program to promote workplace awareness amongst school leavers.  In a region with minimal opportunities for our inexperienced youth, we have created 10 jobs x 5 hours per week for 10 weeks.  We will repeat this program each term so all school leavers get the opportunity to enhance their employability. CLICK HERE & watch this space.

Governance Champions

Brewarrina LALC is pleased to announce that we won the National Indigenous Governance Awards.  This award is great recognition for years of hard work and demonstrates the leadership and governance capabilities that exist in remote Aboriginal communities.  Stay tuned as we extend our reach and take advantage of the opportunities ahead.

Bre LALC is on the LEMC

Brewarrina LALC played a lead role on our regions Local Emergency Management Committee, and we did it well.  Commenting on our community response, Scott McLachlan Cheif Executive of Western NSW LHD said, “That is one of the best approaches I’ve ever seen in a rural community" CLICK HERE to see our facebook post. 

Leadership Reshuffle

Congratulations to Bre LALC Chairperson David Kirby who was awarded the role of General Manager at Brewarrina Shire Council.  David has stepped down as Chair to the Directors role.  We are excited to announce Tracey Gordon was elected as our new Chairperson with Ted Gordon elected deputy Chair.  Congratulations to all.  Some great Indigenous leadership being developed in Bre atm.  

First Nations Representatives

Brewarrina will soon have a council with a majority First Nations representatives.  With 9 places available 7 or the 10 applicants identify as Aboriginal.  Good luck to all our First Nations representatives.  We look forward to a very productive 2022.  Big things are on the way in Brewarrina.  For more information you can read our mention  in the ABC - CLICK HERE.  Or our mention on NITV - CLICK HERE

LALC Hosts Census 21

Brewarrina LALC hosted this years Census.  Despite NSW being forced into lockdown as Census date hit, our team managed to achieve a great outcome in very difficult times.  Strong census data is a key factor in community development.  Many thanks to the team who worked hard in tough times to ensure Brewarrina's data is recorded.

Latest News

Contact us for more information

Contact Details


105 Bathurst St, Brewarrina NSW 2839

PO Box 105, Brewarrina NSW 2839

Office Phone: (02) 6839 2273

CEO Mobile: 0438 286 477

General Email:

CEO Email:


Facebook:  BrewarrinaLALC

Thanks for submitting!

Culturally Sensitive Content


Please note that this website may contain, or provide links to images, audio or information that is culturally sensitive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

© 2020 by Brewarrina Local Aboriginal Land Council

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